Our APIs

Confirmation Of Payee (2.9.1)(1 API included)

Confirmation of Payee is designed to allow other banks to request a match on a given name against Santander's stored name for a given sortcode and account number combination. Outbound allows santander to send their own requests out to other banks to do the same.

Open Banking Account Information Sandbox (3.1.14)(1 API included)

This API, provides the ability for approved/authorised account information providers (AISPs) to access a customer’s (payment service user, PSU) account and transaction information for domestic business current accounts (BCAs) and personal current accounts (PCAs), only when the PSU grants consent. This API is developed according to the Open Banking Read/Write API Specifications, see https://www.openbanking.org.uk

Key Features:

  • Transaction details: transactions in and out, description
  • Account details: Account Type and Account Subtype, overdraft information
  • Saved payees
  • Recurring payments
  • Product Details: Credit Interest rates, overdraft fees and charges and other fees and charges

New in ths version:

New end points added for

  • Offers
  • Party
  • Scheduled Payments
  • Statements

Product scope increased to include

  • All GBP and non GBP banking and savings accounts
  • Cahoot Accounts
  • Corporate accounts regardless of turnover
  • Credit Card (for the Offers end points only)

Account Details: Servicer Name and Identification added

What can you do?

  • Register an intent to retrieve account information by creating an "account request". This registers the data "permissions", expiration and transaction history timeframe the PSU has consented to provide to the AISP; and

  • Subsequently retrieve account and transaction data

Who can have access to the API?

Access to the Account Information API is limited to approved/authorised AISPs. Approval and authorisation is managed by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK (FCA, see https://www.fca.org.uk/ and other relevant competent authorities across the EU. Approved/Authorised organisations should then be enrolled to use the Open Banking Directory. By successfully accomplishing these prerequisites, an AISP will obtain the necessary digital identities and certificates which enable organisations to securely connect and communicate via the Open Banking Security Profile in a standard manner and to best protect all parties within the Open Banking ecosystem.

Open Banking Payment Initiation Sandbox (3.1.5)(1 API included)

This API provides the ability for authorised payment service providers (PISPs, TPPs – third party providers) to initiate domestic payments setup new domestic scheduled payments & domestic standing orders. The TPPs will be able to initiate requests directly from the customer’s (PSU- payment service user) current - personal or business - accounts, after being granted consent. This API is developed according to the Open Banking Read/Write API Specifications, see https://www.openbanking.org.uk

Key Features:

  • Domestic payments (in GBP)
  • Domestic scheduled payments (in GBP)
  • Domestic standing orders (in GBP)

New in this version: Santander implemented a number of improvements aimed at enhancing the customer experience by offering a wider range of services for which the Open Banking – payment initiation functionality can be applied. All instructions will be setup through the chosen and authorised third party provider for a specific amount, to a specific payee, on a specific future date / on a number of specified future dates or on a regular basis and initiated and executed by Santander.

What can you do?

  1. Register an intent to setup a payment instruction.
  2. Optionally confirm available funds for the specific instruction (domestic payments and immediate international payments only)
  3. Subsequently submit the payment instruction for processing
  4. Optionally retrieve the status of a payment setup or submission

Who can have access to the API? Access to the Payment Initiation Service API is limited to approved/authorised PISPs. Approval and authorisation is managed by the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK (FCA, see https://www.fca.org.uk/) and other relevant competent authorities across the EU. Approved/Authorised organisations should then be enrolled to use the Open Banking Directory. By successfully accomplishing these prerequisites, a PISP will obtain the necessary digital identities and certificates which enable organisations to securely connect and communicate via the Open Banking Security Profile in a standard manner and to best protect all parties within the Open Banking ecosystem.

Confirmation of Funds Sandbox (3.1.6)(1 API included)

The API endpoints described here allow a Card Based Payment Instrument Issuer ('CBPII') to make a request to confirm funds are available. This API is developed according to the Open Banking Read/Write API Specifications, see https://www.openbanking.org.uk

Key Features:

  • Registration of consent to allow CBPII to make requests for funds confirmation
  • Processing of requests to confirm funds are available
  • Process requests for revocation of a previously registered consent