--- swagger: "2.0" info: x-ibm-name: confirmation-of-payee-inbound title: Confirmation Of Payee Inbound version: 2.9.1 description: This API is for confirmation of payee inbound. This API will provide the Pay.UK defined response for name matching on a received name with the banks stored name on the provided account details (Account Number + Sortcode) for both retail and business. contact: name: Support Mailbox email: PaymentsAPIsSupport@santander.co.uk url: https://developer.santander.co.uk/sanuk/external/contact license: name: Open Banking terms of use url: https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms termsOfService: https://www.openbanking.org.uk/terms schemes: - https basePath: /open-banking/v3.1/confirmation-payee consumes: - application/json; charset=utf-8 produces: - application/json; charset=utf-8 securityDefinitions: TPPOAuth2SecurityNV: type: oauth2 description: "" flow: application scopes: name-verification: An access token explicitly created for confirmation of payee tokenUrl: $(token-url) security: - TPPOAuth2SecurityNV: - name-verification x-ibm-configuration: testable: true enforced: true categories: - Type / Experience - SanUK Business Domain / Common Services & Guidance / Fraud - BIAN Business Area / Operations and Execution / Fraud Detection phase: realized paths: /accounts/name-verification: post: tags: - Account Name Verification summary: Account name verification endpoint description: | Lookup the account details by way of a POST to find the payee. Return a match indicator, reason code and correct account name (in the event of a close match) operationId: AccountVerification parameters: - $ref: '#/parameters/Authorization' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-financial-id' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-fapi-interaction-id' - $ref: '#/parameters/x-jws-signature' - name: requestBody required: true in: body schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBNameVerificationRequest' description: Request object as per technical guide responses: 200: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/OBNameVerificationResponse' description: OK 400: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' description: Bad Request 401: schema: type: string description: Unauthorised 403: schema: type: string description: Forbidden 404: description: Not Found schema: type: string 405: schema: type: string description: Method Not Allowed 406: schema: type: string description: Not Acceptable 429: schema: type: string description: Too Many Requests 500: schema: $ref: '#/definitions/ErrorResponse' description: Internal Server Error 502: description: Bad Gateway schema: type: string 503: schema: type: string description: Service Unavailable 504: description: Gateway Timeout schema: type: string parameters: Authorization: name: Authorization in: header description: An Authorisation Token as per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750 required: true type: string x-fapi-financial-id: in: header name: x-fapi-financial-id required: true description: The unique id of the ASPSP to which the request is issued type: string x-fapi-interaction-id: name: x-fapi-interaction-id in: header required: true description: An RFC4122 UID used as a correlation id type: string x-jws-signature: name: x-jws-signature in: header required: true description: Header containing a detached JWS signature of the body of the request payload type: string format: base64 definitions: OBNameVerificationResponse: required: - Data - Links - Meta properties: Data: required: - VerificationReport properties: VerificationReport: required: - Matched - ReasonCode - Name properties: Matched: type: boolean example: true ReasonCode: type: string example: ANNM Name: type: string example: string type: object type: object Links: required: - Self properties: Self: type: string example: string type: object Meta: properties: [] type: object ErrorResponse: required: - Code - Id - Message - Errors properties: Code: description: High level textual error code, to help categorize the errors. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Id: description: A unique reference for the error instance, for audit purposes, in case of unknown/unclassified errors. type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Message: description: Brief Error message, e.g., 'There is something wrong with the request parameters provided' type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 Errors: type: array items: type: object properties: ErrorCode: description: Low level textual error code, e.g., UK.OBIE.Field.Missing type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 128 Message: description: |- A description of the error that occurred. e.g., 'A mandatory field isn't supplied' or 'RequestedExecutionDateTime must be in future' OBIE doesn't standardise this field type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 500 Path: description: Recommended but optional reference to the JSON Path of the field with error, e.g., Data.Initiation.InstructedAmount.Currency type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Url: description: URL to help remediate the problem, or provide more information, or to API Reference, or help etc type: string required: - ErrorCode - Message additionalProperties: false OBNameVerificationRequest: required: - Data properties: Data: required: - SchemeName - AccountType - Identification - Name - SecondaryIdentification properties: SchemeName: type: string example: SortCodeAccountNumber AccountType: type: string example: Business Identification: type: string example: "12345612345678" Name: type: string example: Adam Test SecondaryIdentification: type: string example: "" type: object x-ibm-endpoints: - endpointUrl: https://openbanking-ma-sandbox.santander.co.uk/sanuk/external-sandbox type: - production ...